Student of the Month Story (UPDATE)

Student of The Month Story

Who: Student of the Month, Parents, and Teachers
What: Wining student of the month 
Where: James Bowie High School
When: This past month
Why: The student of the month helps to motivate others to do good in school
Student of the month was given to the person who had the best behavior and the best attitude 

          At James Bowie High School, junior Sam Stamburgh has just won student of the month, a program that by winning you get money for college last week.

"By saving money for college," Stamburgh says. "I think this program is amazing it helps hardworking kids pay for college." 
       Of course every student would want to become student of the month but what does all that stress prove in the end.

"You know I've worked really hard and I'm finally getting acknowledged" Stamburgh says "I had to work really hard, get good grades, and spend all my free time doing work."
       For Sam student of the month is  one big accomplishment, and who wouldn't say so.

"I wouldn't say it made me look at him any different," Sam's mom says. "But it defiantly made me the most proud parent, I just was so happy that he got the recognition for all of his hard work."
       All parents would be incredibly happy or even surprised to see their child get called up on stage as student of the month. 

"I was honestly shocked, when he got called up on stage but extremely happy for him," Stamburgh's mom says.
       You always have to make sacrifices to win the prize, but imagined if you made all the sacrifices and you still didn't win.

"You know I felt hurt, but it wasn't my choice,"says the runner up to the SOTM, Jenni Jasper,"I tried as hard as I could. I will keep trying."

      We all now know that student of the month just doesn't get handed to you.

"It's takes all of your effort," Stamburgh says. "You can't turn in anything late and you have to do all of the extra credit projects too, and make sure you put tons off effort into every assignment."

       Stamburgh has a lot of motivation from his household.

"He is one of five other younger siblings," says sister Raegin Stamburgh. "We are all so proud of him because he has always shown us to never quit."

Word Count: 330


  1. This one is better in terms of the style and structure and with the attributions than you big day piece. Nice work here. Attributions are not perfect, but much better. And I think you stuck with inverted pyramid style much better here as well.


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