Final Exam Review

(multiple choice)
1. Timeliness 
The fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time.
- Really recent 
2. Proximity
Nearness in space, time, or relationship.
- Close the story is to us 
3. Human Interest
The aspect of a story in the media that interests people because it describes the experiences or emotions of individuals.
- Something we find appealing
-Appeals to human nature
4. Prominence
The state of being important or famous.
-How important the person is
5. Conflict
A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
- Two sides against each other (fighting)
(word bank questions)
6. Interviews
A meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
-gets information from a source 
7. Research
The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
-prepares fro an interview
- develops questions
8. Quotations
A group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker.
-what you get from a source
-direct and indirect
9. Yes-no question
(asking question)
Is a question whose expected answer is either "yes" or "no".
10. follow-up question
A second or additional question following uo to the previous one
-get source to elaborate 
11. Objective writing
(least opinionated)
Writing that you can verify through evidence and facts.
- no opinions 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(multiple choice)
12. Transition paragraph
They are words, phrases, or sentences that connect one topic or idea to another in a paper or essay in a smooth
- in beween quotes
-links quotes together
13. Hard news story
-timely and breaking news
14. Soft news story
-not new or breaking news
-in the future
15. Inverted Pyramid
- writing structure for a hard news story
16. Third-person point of view
-  he, she, they
17. 5 Ws and H lead
(use in lede sentence)
(hard news story)
- who
18. editing
19. attribution
- identifying them
20. paraphrase
-indirect quote
-rewriting what they said and giving them credit
21. fragmentary quotation
- the quote becomes fragmentary if it is a partial sentence quote
22. direct quotation
-word for word exact quote
-what the source said
23. partial quotation
-no comma or colon
24. Uses of quotations
-convey feelings and emotions
-should not have facts
25. When to use quotations
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(word bank)
27. Editorial
-opinion of the newspaper on a particular subject
-decided by editorial board
-written in third person
28. editorial page
-where all of the opinions of a paper appear 
29. columns
- particular view on a topic
-one persons perspective 
(tell the difference)
30. editorial that criticizes
31. editorial that explains
32. editorial that persuades
33. letter to the editor
- come from the general public 


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