Current Events Quiz 4.3

Short Response:

1. What percentage of the Dow Jones industrial average was lost in Thursday's market trading? (I don't want a pure number, but the percentage). Page A1 "Dow plunges another 1,000 points"
10% of the Dow Jones industrial average was lost in the marketing trade.

2. What hashtag are many teachers and their supporters using to fight back against Empower Texans? Page A1 "Teachers use Twitter to swat...."
The hashtag that many teachers and their supporters are using to fight back is #blowingthewhistle.

3.What does "net zero" mean? Page B1 "Habitat builds 'net zero' homes"
Net Zero homes means that the homes are built out of the most sustainable materials, which will include thicker insulation, higher quality windows, and solar panels.

4. What will Pe
psi start selling in an attempt to grab more sparkling water sales? Page B6 "PepsiCo takes on Lacroix..."
A new drink called Bubly is what Pepsi is going o start selling more in attempt to grab more sparkling water sales.

5.Which of the four phones features on page SA3 would you be interested in owning? Why?
I don't think that I would want to have an iPhone X long term but I would defiantly like t try the Face ID just to see it work.

Long Response:

Read the story on page SA1 titled "Video gaming disorder to be labeled a disease"

In this reading they mental heath officials attempt to uncover if video gaming should be labeled as a mental disorder. The articles indications toward this being true are giving increasing attention, impaired control over it, and escalation of gaming. Which all sound to me like the same thing said but stated a different way. According to the article and addiction is something you continually do, and can tend to solely focus on that and that only. I do believe video gaming can get to an addiction, but it is nothing serious at all. It's like playing a sport for someone who would rather play online. If you have a sport you really love you'll want to do it all the 
time. There should be a limit, but it shouldn't need to go as far to say that you never leave the house because of it. But if you had a sick day and just played video games all day it should not be labeled as an addiction. Regardless of the fact if its an addiction there should never even be a though of the fact that it's a "mental illness." Mental illness can be a really serious situation and shouldn't be compared to video games. Smoking cigarettes is worse than playing video games, and that's not label as a mental illness because it's not something wrong in your head that is affecting you. It's just something you like doing. I wouldn't consider myself addicted to video games because I probably play less than an hour a week, if that. If I do I play Star Wars Battlefront 2 because I bought my dad a Star Wars PS4 for Christmas, and that's the game that came with it.

(Sorry I wrote so much I found this article very aggravating and interesting (:  )


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