Additional Student of the Month Interview

Additional Student of The Month Questions:

People to Interview:
  1. Parents
  2. Kids
  3. Teachers
  4. Principal
Parent of Last Month's Student of The Month-

1. Did you son winning student of the month make you look at him any different?
"I wouldn't say it made me look at him any different but it defiantly made me the most proud mom in the  whole world and I know that if he puts his mind to it he can do it. I just was so happy that he got the recognition he deserved for all of his hard work."

2. What was your first reaction to when you heard your son's name call on stage?

"I was honestly shocked I had watched how hard he ws working this month, he never hung out with anyone, was studying for tests like a week in advanced. I'd seen him motivated before but never like this. When they invited me to the ceremony I had no idea what to expect, he wouldn't to me what it was for. Once I heard his name I started crying tears of joy I was so happy for him, all of his hark work paid off."

3. What did you say to your son after he got off stage and had won?

"I said 'you don't know how proud of you I am right now but I am more proud of you than anthill in this world, you wanted this and you got it, you can do that with anything. I love you so much."

4. What will you do if your student wins again next month?
"There's not much more I can do but be even more proud."

Last Month's Runner Up To Student of The Month:

1. How did you feel when you didn't win student of the month?

"You know I felt hurt, but it wasn't my choice, and I tried as hard as I could. I will keep trying and this motivates me but it also didn't make me feel too good out myself. I can try harder next time."

2. Is there something you neglected to do, and now looking back you regret not doing it?

"I mean of course there was two extra credit sheets I didn't think I needed because I thought I had a for sure win. So yes there are things I regret, but everyone does. There is always next month."

3. What is something you wanna say to the people who had something they worked hard forget didn't quite make it."

"Well I can't speak for every one but most of the time there is always another way to succeed, try again and son't beat yourself up about it."

4.  What are you gonna so to make sure you win next tim?

"I'm going to do everything assigned to me and everything that isn't as well, I will take notes in class and ace all of the tests."

Teacher of the Student of The Month-

1. How did you feel when your student won student of the month?

" I was so happy for him, I saw how much he did. He was always at school at 7 for tutoring and after school till 5 just to get the extra help he needed to stay organized and to push."

2. What do you feel as a teacher you need to do to make your students prepared?

"Just to teach them as much as possible and you always have to be fine with coming in early, staying late, and always doing as much as possible to prepare them for the rest of their lives."

Principal of The School-

1. What is your role in student of the month?

"I actually pick who student of the month will be, I have to round up all of the averages and find a total of top three, then I evaluate the teachers to see how the kids who have ben the best behaved, because we don't wanna make it just about grades. Then the PTA plans the ceremony and I hand the student of the month his/her award."

2. How do you deal with angry, or hurt kids?

"Every day after student of the month we have a speech that the teachers give and we do award top 10 with certificates and tell them that we did a real job. Other than that there is not much else we can do."

3. Do you like being apart of student of the month? 

"I love being apart of student of the month getting to see someone's eyes light up after they get called on stage, just means the world to me."

4. Do you think this motivates people or tears them down?

"I sadly but truthfully see this motivating and could potientiully tear them down I see the people get upset about not winning, but then it's nice to see them get motivated, and the following month win it again."


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