Student Of The Month

Student Of The Month Questions:
Taryn Schnur 

1. What are some of the things it takes to accomplish becoming student of the month?
       "I had to work really hard, get god grades, and spend all my free time doing work."
2. How important is his to you?
       "This is lifetime goals, it's like winning the osscurs."
3. In your eyes what makes student of the month so special for you?
       "You know that I've worked really hard, and I'm finagling getting acknowledged."
4. Do you have anything that has always helped you become student of the month, like a tip or trick or something?
       "My biggest tup is probably to take lots of notes in class and study them all the time."
5. What is your favorite thing about becoming student of the month, and how does it make you feel?
      "My favorite thing is probably, getting recognized, plus now I have now friends and it's an honor."
6. After all the work you put in at the end of the month, does it all set worth it?
        "Yea, defiantly it's been a long time in the running, and now I getting recognized."
7. Who is you number 1 support system, when you have a lot of work to do?
        "Probably myself. I defiantly have to support myself a lot."
8. Who do you feel is the most proud when you when student of the month?
       "Probably my number 1 support system, would be my mom."
9. What kind of effort do you have to put in, to eventually win?
       "Tons of effort every night, you have to make sure you study every night, no matter what."
10. How do you thing student of the month will help you in the long run?
       "Because it will always give me more motivation to win again next month."
11. Out of all the things what is the hardest part about succeeding as student of the month?
       "Probably doing the work on time especially all the Pre-AP classes."
12. Out of all the things what is the easiest thing about succeeding as student of the month?
       "Probably the days we get most HW done in class do all I have to do is study."
13. What do you think is the one thing you have to do to win student of the month?
       "Get your work done, and do it good or you won't get a good grade on it."
14. Is there any downside to winning student of the month, anything you don't particularly like?
       "I don't like the haters, the ones who are jell, but you just got ta block it out."
15.What is the best strategy to keep on top of all of your work and stay organized?
       "Sometimes you just have to not hang out with your friends."
16. Do you think that winning student of the moth is important to a bigger goal you want to accomplish as you get older, if so what is that goal?
      "By saving money for college, I think this will help so I don't have to worry as much."
17. What is one thing you crazy about always doing, like studying or staying organized ect?
      "Every time before a test for breakfast I always eat a bowl of frosted flakes."
18. What do you feel is the best way to always feel prepare?
      "You have to study a lot, and never not do something, or turnout in late."
19. Do you have a tradition or something you always do before a big exam, or test.
      "I always have to tap my eraser on the top of my paper tree times before I can start the test for good luck."
20. For someone who has trouble with staying organized how would you help them?
      "Well if you really wanna make it and become student of the month, then every time you have to put it in a place, just think it's worth it."


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