Current Events 1.4

Current Events 1.4

Short Response:
1. Who are the four US Senators who have publicly stated they will not support the latest effort by the GOP to repeal and replace Obamacare, according to the story. Page A1 "Key senator deals hard blow..."
The for US Senators who have publicly stated they will not support the latest effort to replace Obama care are Susan Collins, John McCain, Graham Cassidy, and Rand Paul.

2. When was the last time North Korea shot down a U.S. warplane? Page A6 "N. Korea threatens to down..."

The last time North Korea shot down a U.S. warplane was in 1969.

3. What is a skimmer? Page B1 "Why don't pumps have chip readers...?"

Skimmers are devices used to use other people's information to spend there money and rack up tons of debt.

4. Why is Target raising its internal minimum hourly wage? Page B5 "Target: %15 minimum wage by the end of 2020"

Target plans to raise its internal minimum hourly wage because it will keep to hire and try to keep customers with the best employees.

5. Who is credited for founding the Boy Scout movement worldwide in 1907? Page D1 "Troop 9 turns 100"

J.J. Mason is credited for founding Boy Scouts movement worldwide. 

Long Response:

Read the story on page A8 "Trump continues to stoke feud with NFL over anthem (there are multiple stories in the paper dedicated to this topic. If you would like to read one of those as well, feel free.)

1. What have you heard about this topic before you read the story?

Before today I had heard about the topic of not standing for the national anthem, it I did not know Trump's response.

2. Do you think NFL players should be required to stand for the anthem? WHY?

I don't think that NFL players should be required to stand for the anthem if we aren't. I do believe that everyone should stand, but if you feel other  wise I don't believe it is our place to interfere. I feel it  should make it to where you have to give your upmost respect for the national anthem, in your eyes whether that is knelling, standing, singing, as long as we realize that e are lucky to be in a country with food health and love. And realize that other people might not be as lucky, to think if they were in your situation and have been given that chance they would stand for a country that gives them a chance to be who they are, and perhaps be in a safer situation.

3. Do you think it is acceptable for the NFL players to stay in the locker room during the anthem and just not participate at all?

I really don't think it is acceptable for the NFL players to stay in the locker room. I feel that is worse than coming out and knelling. Even if it is not intended to seem this way, it looks like a disrespect to the country. And I personally think it is very snobby, as if you don't care that much to even some out and sit down at least.

4. Do you think that President Trump made the proper decision to go after this subject on his Twitter feed?

I mean it's not like his decision was the best there could possibly be, but a lot of people know that this is going on so I don't think his decision made a lot of a difference because he normally does take controversial topics to his Twitter feed.

5. Do you think that race plays any role in this topic?

I don't feel race plays any role in this topic, because it is not a matter of your ethnicity, if you are in this country you are here one way or another and I think that you should pay your respect.


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