The Car Accident Interviews
The Car Accident: Facts: -Roger Clementine was charged with driving under aged, without a license. He was also charged with going over the speed limit and driving in the wrong lane. -Roger Clementine was 13 -John Smith was 91 -Melba Smith was 67 -It was sunny outside -The road was wet -John was going 10 mph -Clementine was going 60 mph. - The Clementine car belonged to his uncle. Interviews: -Roger Clementine 1. Why did you decide to take you uncles car and drive away? "I hadn't wanted to go visit my uncle for the weekend I wanted to go hang out with my friends, I figured that if i could drive myself back my parents wouldn't take me back." 2. Did you know when you were driving the possiblilitites that you had risked? "I thought I was in complete control, I didn't think anything like this would ever h...