Current Events Quiz 2.2

Current Events 2.2

Short Response:
1. How much did Rep. Dawnna Dukes pay in fines two have two misdemeanor charges dismissed? Page A1 "DA drops all charges against Dukes"
Dawn payed around $7,000 to get two misdemeanor charges dropped.

2. How does a pilot get a medical certificate? Page B1 "Congressmen push FAA on balloon rules"
A pilot can get a medical certificate by making sure they have a clean bill of health.

3. How much in bonds are the following school districts asking from voters in their region: AISD, Leander, Bastrop, Lake Travis and Eanes? Page B2 "Four are school districts have their hands out..."
The schools Leander, Bastrop, Lake travis, and Eanes are asking for more money, the bonds range from 88 million to 464 million.

4. How many jobs and how much money could a city potentially see if Amazon picks them for their second North American headquarters? Page B5 "238 suitors line up to make...."
If Amazon picks a city for their second North American headquarters it could lead to an earn of 5 billion dollars, and 50,000 jobs.

5. What might you find at creepy Page D1 "These 3 website will scare you silly...."
On creepy you are to find memes, urban legends, short stories ect.

Long Response:

Read the story on page A7 "An ordinary, extraordinary first drive with the car in control"

This story talks about cars that drive themselves instead of you driving. This is helpful for the people that can drive because of a disability, or a condition. I'm not sure if I feel safe in a driverless car, machines break all of the time but for people who can't do it I think that would be nice for them instead of everyone using them because they are too lazy. I feel that it should be used for someone who needs it, or if its an emergency, otherwise you can just drive yourself it probably doesn't make much of a difference. Even if this starts to happen more and more I think that everyone should still be required to learn how to drive. But no matter what I think eventually self driving cars will be normal everyday and hover-cars,  or floating cars will be developing.


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