Free Write- Hate

       Hate is the passionate or intensive feeling of dislike for someone that we all posses in some way, and the sad part is, is that our world has so much hate. People believe that they can be rude just because they don't support something else that someone else does, thinks, or believes. People think that they are entitled to have something or be treated a different way because they are a certain race or gender. When the truth is everyone in the world is not equal. No one is exactly alike, everyone is different. Even though that we are not equal we should all be treated equally, and with the same respect.

     Our world has so many problems, that you can talk and talk about for hours. We say that we are trying to fix them, but how does putting a law up, or criticizing someone help that. We have immigrants that our in our country that came here because they had no where else to go, and we also have immigrants who aren't doing any good for this world. Saying this doesn't make all immigrants bad, but deporting an innocent immigrant is not the right way to go. This only puts them back into there situation in the first place, when they came to the country of freedom for help.

     This country, or any country shouldn't even have discrimination in their vocabulary,  but it is used so much. When are we going to stop talking about discrimination, and actually start taking the necessary procedures to stop it. No one can help what race they are, where they were born, or even how they feel. As far as we know we have one life. So why tell someone that can't live their live the way that they wanted to. The world is what we make of it, and we need to make it worth it. My dad used to tell me that "hate is wasted energy." He used to say to stop seeing the bad and to look at the world through different eyes, and just see the good, because if you look at the bad eventually that's all that will be left.

     So next time that you say you hate someone, or you feel that much dislike towards someone, remember the beauty in it. Behind every piece of hate is a small amount of love. Take that love and make it greater than  the hate, so that when you go back and see something that reminds you of them, the hate does not cause you to keep thinking about it. You can move on. Now multiply this by the world. If every person found the beauty or love in something the don't like, it could make the world a better and happier place.
Word Count- 463


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