Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. What are some of the main points you read about in the website above regarding manipulating images?

B. What is the philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York times regarding image manipulation?

C. What do you think are acceptable things you could do to an image and not cross the line unto an unethical manipulation?

D. Post the manipulation (this means get that image and post it on your blog) that you think was the most unethical, and explain why you think it was unethical. If you do not know what the word ethic or unethical means, look them up on the internet. It is very important you know what those two words mean. Please write at least 2-3 sentences explaining why you think it is so bad.

E. Post the manipulation that you consider the least unethical, and explain why you think it is not as bad as others. Please write at least 2-3 sentences explaining why you think this one is not so bad.


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