Current Events 6.2

Short Answer:

1. How many people can the San Isidro border inspection station hold? Page A1 "U.S. continues to bar caravan

The San Isidro border inspection station can hold about 300 people. 

2. Give a reason that Thomas Homan is stepping down as the action ICE position? Page A4 "Controversial head of immigration agency..."

One reason he is stepping down is that he wants to spend more time with his family

3. What is "clubstacking"? Page B1 "Tactic, ideology questioned in Central Texas race

Clubstacking is an illegal practice by candidates who get political clubs to vote for them by giving them their support.

4. What type of business gets the greatest fiscal impact from the ACL Fest? Page B5 "ACL Fest boosts Austin to the tune of ..."

The business that received the greatest fiscal impact from ACL fest, were bars and restaurants.

5. How much money did Avengers: Infinity War make this weekend (approximately)? D2
5a) Have you seen it and if you did, did you like it?

The movie Avengers Infinity War made over 641 million dollars. I haven't seen it yet, but a lot of my friends have.

Long Response:

Read the story on page SC1 "Why more school districts are holding class...."

Many schools in Colorado are taking one day of the week in school so that this can allow students a break and to attract teachers to the district and save money. This is a lot more popular because the parents and teachers like it to. This can put less stress on kids, and allow them to not only focus on homework on the weekends but also be able to hang out with friends.While this sounds great, it does have some disadvantages. With kids going to less school it could lead to more crime in juveniles. I think that the four day week isn't such a good idea. The reason is that they are just going to give you the same about of work with less time. If they want to make it less stressful for kids, then they should just give us less work, but in my opinion, they are only doing this for the money.


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