
1. Who were the sources?
The sources were Garland O'Quinn, Virginia O'Quinn, Samuel Lawerence, and Carrie Lawerence.

2. Summarize in 1-3 sentences the story:
This story talks about Garland O'Quinn and how amazing he was at gymnastics. He found his love ad passion for this sport and eventually went off to the olympics. He then became a coach with his other previous coach and started to teach kids too.
3. How many paragraphs is the story?
There are 33 paragraphs in this story.

4. How many words is the story (you can do this in the Google Doc itself)?
 There are 1,051 words in this story.

5. How many direct quotes are there in the story?
There are 17 direct quotes in the story.

6. How many different people are quoted in the story?
There were 4 different people quoted in this story.

7. Which quote is the most impactful of all the ones included? Defiantly this quote it was a very emotionally attention grabbing and it almost made me tear up tbh...
“Every human being is an Olympian in his own heart! Every person strives to do the very best they can with every moment and decision. Everyone confronts the challenges and problems of their own life with the best effort they can put forth. Only a very few ever find a stage or a stadium upon which they can demonstrate the Olympian within themselves.  Life and circumstances have not yet allowed the Olympian in each of us to show itself. But still, everyone - young and old, large or small, strong or weak, fast or slow, rich or poor, black, white, red, brown, or yellow-  Everyone does the best they can with what life has given them. As you learn to look more closely, as you pay careful attention to the life of each human individual, you can begin to see the Olympian there inside. And as you learn to find it in others, so your will learn to find it there within yourself,”

8. Where is that quote located in the story (beginning, middle, end)?
The very end of the story.

9. Does the lede effectively capture the readers attention?
Yes the lead does effectively capture the readers attention.

10.If their could have been one additional person interviewed for the story, who would it be?
If Faith's dad had any other siblings, or her grandfather had any siblings would be cool, but she had all the interviews you would need to tell a story like this.

11. Is the story objective, which means are all non-direct quotes statements of fact and NOT the opinion of the writer?
Yes the story is objective.

12. Are there any unanswered questions that you have after reading the article?
Nope, everything was said and said very well.

13. Write a headline to go with this story:

"How a gymnast found he love for his passion" !! :)

14. Sum up your opinion of the story:
The story was an amazing topic to write about, and had tons of detail and was just very well written. The quotes that were given were great too, and I think it was just a great story!

15. Give them a peer grade from 0-100

100 ! 


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