My Final Exam (part three)

Rewarding Our Kids
          Seven or eight dollars may seem like a lot to especially when you a kid. Usually this is around the set amount that a child would be rewarded for something they've done well. But, what if your child hasn't been good, do you still reward them with money? I mean it's not that much what harm could it do, right? Well that seven or eight dollars probably seems like a lot more to your kids then it does to you. That much money for a kid is like winning the lottery even when they've been bad. 

           Rewarding a kid for not behaving or not acting appropriate teaches them that, you get rewarded when your bad. And that's not how it works in the real world. In real life you don't a raised salary if you are not doing your job. So that shouldn't be how we should treat out children to think. Because, when we do these bad behaviors don't develop into something worse, or so they expect that this is just normal and they'll keep doing exactly that.

          Raising your children with the right attitude and mindset, can be very difficult. You have to find a good balance of fun and discipline, or they won't behave correctly or they will demand something every time them do something right. If they begin to ask for something every time you tell them to do something, you have to balance it out with half discipline.This way they will learn that you still need to get certain things done regardless of a reward. Half the time you give them a treat the other half you don't. This teaches them that they won't always be praised for the things you do, but that doesn't mean that those things aren't important.

          Children are born with a clean slatted mind, which means that they don't learn certain characteristics from just knowing them, they adjust to there surroundings. Teaching them right from wrong is vile to the types of people that we want in our future, in charge. So this is not something to be taken lightly. From the minute they can talk, they adapt to the things they hear and learn, which is why we try to protect them as much as possible from others. But we need to look more at not what other people are doing, but the role model we are setting for them.

          We need to protect, teach, and help our kids through their first stages in life. By doing this our kid will hopefully grow up to be successful knowing right from wrong. So when they are older they will know the proper ways to act, and that they won't be rewarded for the bad or even not all the good things that they do. But that doesn't make them any less of a person. 

           Word Count: 475


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