Short Response: 1. What percentage of the Dow Jones industrial average was lost in Thursday's market trading? (I don't want a pure number, but the percentage). Page A1 "Dow plunges another 1,000 points" 10% of the Dow Jones industrial average was lost in the marketing trade. 2. What hashtag are many teachers and their supporters using to fight back against Empower Texans? Page A1 "Teachers use Twitter to swat...." The hashtag that many teachers and their supporters are using to fight back is #blowingthewhistle. 3.What does "net zero" mean? Page B1 "Habitat builds 'net zero' homes" Net Zero homes means that the homes are built out of the most sustainable materials, which will include thicker insulation, higher quality windows, and solar panels. 4. What will Pe psi start selling in an attempt to grab more sparkling water sales? Page B6 "PepsiCo takes on Lacroix..." A new drink called Bubly is what Pepsi is going o start ...
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