Feature Writing Preview

1. What is the difference between a hard news lead (lede) and the one you read above?
The difference between a hard news lead and the one I read is that it took time to 
reveal parts and parts about how the story dos, instead of just listing the facts.

2. What paragraph(s) did you learn the following information?
a. Who: Ted Williams
b. What: Becoming famous
c. Where: Hudson Street 
d. When: When someone uploaded a video of him singing
e. Why: He was a good singer 
f. How: They uploaded a video and it gots lots of attention

3. Are there quotes in this story?
Yes, there are quotes in this story.

4. Are those quotes arranged in the "quote-transiton" style we used in news writing?
This article does have a lot of quotes and transitions, but it's not really the same exact structure that we have been using.

5. Who is quoted in the story?
The people that were quoted in the story were Kevin McLoughlin,  Doral Chenoweth III, Ken Andrews,  Tony Florentino, Shane Cormier, and Patrick Harris.

6. What quote is the most powerful in the story, in your opinion?
I think that this quote was the most powerful in the story. "We run into these guys at the exit ramps and we pretty much ignore them," said Chenoweth, who was en route with his wife to the grocery store when he first saw Williams. "This guy was using his talent." I think that this was the most powerful quote because it shows just how much we don't take in consider other people, just because of the way they look or even where they are in their life.

7. How many paragraphs is the story?
In this story, there are 29 paragraphs.

8. How many words is the story (hint: you can copy and paste into Word and get a word count)?
In this story, there are 748 words.

9. What is significant about the lead (lede) and the final paragraph of the story?
The  lede and the final paragraph both have to do with his struggles. In the lede it states and talks about how he is homeless, and in the final paragraph it talks about how he has issues with drugs and alcohol but he has 2 years of sobriety. Both of these paragraphs have a significance becauseet they both talk about Williams struggles, and even though that he still has an amazing voice, he still ha had trouble in the past.

10. Why do you think the writer did that with the lead (lede) and final paragraph?
I think the wirier did that to show that even the most talented people  might not always have it handed to them. In the structure the write talks about how great he is and how he could be a millionaire. But, at the end and in the beginning he shows a little bit of a glimpse into what Williams goes through.

11. Was the story interesting to read?
Yes, this story was very interesting to read, I enjoyed it a lot.

12. When you finished the story, but BEFORE you watched the video, did you want to hear the voice?

Of Course! They talked him up so much, so how could I not? :)

13. Multimedia approaches are powerful tools, what impact did the video have when watched directly after reading the story?
I feel that the video just brought the story to life. You  were like ok this guy can't be that good but he was ten times better than good!

14. Would the story have lost its impact without the video?
I don't think that the story would have lost impact without the video, it just would have not been as powerful. 

15. Did the writer try to come up with a way for you to hear the voice, i.e. did he try to describe the voice or give you a way to "hear" the voice without really hearing it?
Yes, the witter tried to describe Williams voice, by using quotes that made it seem like he was the best, and describing how successful he could be.

16. How did the writer do that?

The writer used lots of quotes to describe and depict his voice, and he also he described hoe successful he could end up being, which showed that Williams had to be talented in some way.


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